Wednesday, 6 August 2008


Secound post about KEEP IT REAL so it looks like its finally out of the closet.

The VHS bastard child has finally seen the light of day take a peep for those favourite swindon heads.

"Ta phil, ta very much"

And also why not check out a 2 year old treat known as THE LOVE CO OP

Tuesday, 22 July 2008


Seems like some of us are getting very lazy whilst others are keeping it real and getting their skate on.

Peep cliffs flickr for more DIY big push antics

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

1 Ditch +5 +2 kebabs

Went to a pretty tight but fun little ditch last night, it's amazing what you can find with the internet these days. Props to cliff and branny for the photo.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

The Bank holiday.

Scott of the whitaker variety is coming down this weekend so should have some bits and bobs to post up come monday.

Anyone who wants to hook up over the weekend email me.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Ian devine swindon styler and EX Gypsy prince

Haven't seen ian devine round these here parts for a long time. Last i heard he was wearing vans half cabs and styling it out in newyork. Gone are the days of hand me down trainers and ming chinos. Heard the zantos signature v necks are something that will never die.
All hail sleepy child and his homemade haircuts.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Tom firth

One of the funniest guys i've ever met. Tom used to visit us now and then. Think we did more visiting to the sheffield flat he and Mr watts shared.
Vertical quarter in your hallway anyone.
Thats tom in the quicktime grab below and can be seen on the love co op.
Gonna search him out, if anyone knows of his whereabouts let us know.

The love co op RIP

Quicktime version coming soon for now though it's youtube or nowt.